
Hydrogen Hybrid Powertrains

Liger HCZ

The Liger HCZ is a hybrid offspring of a male Tachyon (Hypnose’s hydrogen internal combustion engine) and a female Magnetic (Hypnose’s electric motor), or a female STEWIS (Hypnose’s self-torqued wheel). The Liger HCZ (Hydrogen Engine Combined with Electric Motors) has parents in the same genus but of different species. 

Developed in secrecy by Dr. Remy Arbaoui, in collaboration with Polytech’M (Polytech Mobility School of Engineering), Montblanc Business School, and a group of passionate hybrid powertrain enthusiasts, the Liger HCZ is the most powerful, cleanest, and most environmentally friendly hybrid powertrain known to exist. 


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The Liger HCZ produces the exhilarating sound of a V8 engine across all our 4, 5, 6, and 8-cylinder powertrains, embodying the essence of internal combustion. At the same time, it provides the instant torque and responsiveness of an electric motor. Remarkably, the Liger HCZ surpasses the performance of its individual components, setting it apart from conventional hybrid systems.

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The Liger HCZ is distinct from the opposite hybrid, the Fossil Hybrid, which combines a fossil-based internal combustion engine and an electric assistance motor.

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